About Me

Howdy! My name's Elizabeth (or Beth, or Liz, etc.). I'm an artist and musician who currently lives in Florida. I have no idea how to describe myself, but this is also my site and I can do what I want, and you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't care.

I was born on August 15 1996 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Like a lot of people, I used to like to draw as a kid. Though I've always had an appreciation for art, it took quite a long time for me to pick up drawing as a hobby. I sadly don't have a whimsical history of passionate artistry from a young age, something that I kind of regret not pushing myself towards at the time, but I try not to dwell on it.

It was around 2015 that I came to a point where it was beginning to hurt not having any sort of artistic outlet, so I took a drawing class during my brief time at community college. Though I've admittedly retained very little of what I've learned there, this class would still manage to push me to start drawing more. Being isolated, addicted to prescription stimulants, and dealing with a lot of pre-transition identity crisis at the time, though, my art from this era was very gross and surrealist and shitposty and often covered in a film of irony to mask my insecurity in myself as an artist. There's a lot to my old art I still enjoy, but the sweaty stinky gremlin energy was very clear.

In 2018 my involvement in the fandom of a certain comic would lead me to taking my art a tiny bit more seriously.